Sunday, 13 February 2011

Even the council vans are at it.


  1. To be quite honest, I don't think Stornoway has any car-park issues at all. There's always a space within 3 mins walking of the centre. Compared to most other places - bar Knoydart etc, Stornoway parking is easy. Sorry

  2. I can only assume you must do your shopping on a Monday...the loss of the An Lanntair car park has made finding a space quite difficult especially with people parking their cars all day in the carpark at the Town Hall.

  3. I'm not having a go, as it were, this is just a fun blog but it does irritate, especially Friday and Saturday when the town is busier and you find a car taking up two spaces by parking over the white lines.

  4. given the amount of car "cloning" that goes on i would be highly p****d off to find that someone with too much time on their hands had taken a picture of my car complete with reg number and posted it on the internet, if your going to waste your time doing something so meaninless as this then have the decency to blank out peoples reg number, if its meant to be fun try keeping it that way

  5. Sorry but what's the difference between seeing a number plate in a photo and seeing a number plate in the street? It's in a public place which means by law you can photograph it.

  6. Or is it the case that your own car is one of the vehicles featured? If so and you wish it to be removed,my e mail address is at the top of the page and I shall duly delete it.
